Top 3 Diseases That Old Citizens in India Commonly Face What is the prevalence of cancer in India?

 Diabetes is a growing problem in India. According to estimates by the World Health Organization, diabetes affects more than 250 million Indians, or 10 percent of the population. The most common form of diabetes is type 2 diabetes mellitus (formerly called adult-onset diabetes). Type 1 diabetes also occurs in India but is less common. Diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, eyesight problems and other complications.

How common is diabetes in India?

The causes of diabetes are complex and still not fully understood. However, obesity, genetics and lifestyle factors are all known to play a role in developing type 2 diabetes. Obesity is responsible for around 70% of cases of type 2 diabetes, while genetics account for around 30% of cases. The remaining 10% of cases are due to lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and smoking. You must hire the right caretakers for elderly in Kalyan to take care of them. 

Is obesity a problem in India?

There are many reasons why obesity rates are rising in India. For one, diets have become increasingly caloric and unhealthy. In addition, there is a growing trend of people becoming overweight or obese due to lack of exercise and poor access to healthy food. A lack of awareness about the dangers of obesity also contributes to its spread.

How can you prevent them? 

There are a few things that you can do to help prevent old citizens from facing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

One way to reduce your risk of developing cancer is to make sure you get plenty of exercise. Exercise can help reduce the risk of developing cancer by improving your overall health and reducing your levels of stress. You can also approach an old age care centre in Kalyan who can take proper care of them if you are unable to.


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